
  • 오늘 낮에 시간 가까이 스팀코인판을 비롯한 모든 SCOT 커뮤니티에 포스팅이 올라가지 않는 정지 상태가 있었습니다.

  • 동 시간 보팅과 페이아웃의 작동에 문제가 없었는지 엔진 팀을 통해 확인해 보았습니다.

  • 아래의 6계정에 문제가 있었음을 확인하였고, 모두 정상적인 값으로 돌려 놓았습니다.

  • @naha님의 계정에 특별히 더 문제가 있었음을 확인할 수 있었습니다.

  • 스팀오토 봇으로 보팅을 하는 과정에서 발생한 문제로 추정하고 있습니다.

  • 이 외의 계정은 이상이 없음을 확인하였습니다.

  • @yjourney has wrong voting power: 7963 should be 8732
  • @koyuh8 has wrong voting power: 7743 should be 8341
  • @teamcn-sct has wrong voting power: 7824 should be 8098
  • @jjcar has wrong voting power: 8862 should be 9231
  • @naha has wrong voting power: 1266 should be 7379
  • @sct.jack.cn1 has wrong voting power: 7916 should be 8244


  • There was a pause in the process of posting on all SCOT communities, including the Steem Coinpan today.

  • We checked with the engine team to see if there was any problem with the simultaneous voting and payout process.

  • We have confirmed that there are problems with the six accounts below, and have all returned to their normal values now.

  • We were able to confirm that @naha’s account had more problems in particular.

  • We estimated that the problem occurred during the process of voting with Steam Auto Bot.

  • We have confirmed that other accounts have no problem so far.

@yjourney has wrong voting power: 7963 should be 8732
@koyuh8 has wrong voting power: 7743 should be 8341
@teamcn-sct has wrong voting power: 7824 should be 8098
@jjcar has wrong voting power: 8862 should be 9231
@naha has wrong voting power: 1266 should be 7379
@sct.jack.cn1 has wrong voting power: 7916 should be 8244

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