Dtube 에어드랍 안내 (7월1일 부터)

이내용은 Dtube 공식 포스팅에서 가져왔습니다.
핵심은 두가지인것 같습니다.
1.새로운 쇼설블럭체인을 선보이겠다.
2.7월1일 ~ 11월 1일까지 6개월 동안 매달 10일 에어드랍하겠다.
3.스팀계정 또는 디튜브계정으로 로그인해야 한다.

주는건 챙겨야죠. 이런것들이 효자노릇을 할수도 있으니까요 ㅎㅎㅎ

출처 : https://steemit.com/steem/@dtube/dtube-airdrop-is-coming-how-many-dtcs-will-you-receive

Thanks for using DTube for almost three years. Thanks to you, DTube will be opening a brand new social blockchain on 1st of July, with a fresh new stake distribution, focused on fairness.

This airdrop will be released over 6 months. You will need to log-in with the Steem account listed a recipient, and a DTube account. Then, a popup will appear on d.tube every 10th of the month and allow you to claim 1/6th of your total airdrop, starting on 1st of July and ending on 1st of November.

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