목소리를 내자

이번 소프트 포크 사건을 지나면서 아무리 적은 스팀(투표력)을 가졌어도 목소리를 내야겠다고 생각이 들었습니다.
구글번역을 이용해서라도 말이죠. 그리고 대답이 돌아왔습니다.


If you disagree with the witnesses vote for other witnesses or run your own witness server and campaign for votes. Why do YOU step up and represent the community instead of “whining who moved the cheese” (whatever that ridiculous statement means)?
Why do those that do SO LITTLE expect their voices to be heard over others?
The soft fork is exactly that; a SOFT FORK. If the community ACTUALLY disapproved they could remove the consensus witnesses and replace them. Since that hasn’t happened, guess you aren’t able to speak for the entire community then.
The fork is literally for the benefit of every STEEM holder. And in fact, Justin Sun seems amicable to what we did and is being more open to engaging with witnesses that he was before.
I would say that is a SCREAMING SUCCESS. You are welcome for spending so much time to represent your best interest even if you are unaware what that actually is.

요지는 자신은 투표를 받은 대표로 할일을 했고 이것은 스팀에 긍적적인것이다. 그 결과로 저스틴 썬과 대화를 이끌어 냈다.

여러분은 어떻게 생각하시나요??

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