[EN/KR] Helping Uganda students with 500 STEEM from the Steemmonsters tournament / 스몬 상금으로 우간다 지원 동참

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  • 한글 버전은 아래에 있습니다.

After winning the first major Steemmonsters Tournament, I wrote an article - Every Game Revealed - Winning the Bernie Sanders New Years Invitational - and mentioned that I planned to donate/sponsor my winning(500 STEEM, as you see).

Since there are already lots of Steemmonsters tournaments available, I was more inclined to “donate”. The remaining issue was where and how.

And I found that @yohan2on contacted @ukk, asking for help to support students in Uganda. Following @ukk ‘s lead, the Korean Steemit community raised funds to help students before - here is what @yohan2on recently sent to @ukk, according to this posting. I quoted his request below:

Yes I have some idea. I am volunteering in Kenya helping street kids. I am going to be feeding them on Saturday. I am helping them to participate in a soccer project that is on the steem blockchain to help them learn the game and also buy them some football kits.

These street kids need food and also school fees. They have very torching stories. I know you love Uganda and have helped many Ugandans last year. Can you do something for these Kenyan street kids.

Those 25 children in Uganda will also need your support again this year because the four months for the other school fees paid last year got done. Will you continue supporting them this year?

@ukk I have so many ideas. I have shared those ones for the time being. I will be sharing more. Whats your opinion about them.

So it’s been 4 months since we supported them, and I guess students need another fundraising. The Korean community already raised more than 300 STEEM in two days, and I read the article and decided to join with my Bernie Sanders Invitational winning to make it 800 STEEM (as of now, it may go up!).

I hope it will be spent well!

얼마 전 새해 기념 스몬 대회(@berniesanders 후원)에서 우승한 후, 상금의 대부분을 후원에 쓸 것이라고 후기에 썼었습니다.

그런데 생각보다 스몬 대회들의 후원이 많고 대회도 많아서, 스몬 대회에 후원하기보다는 다른 곳을 찾아보던 중, @ukk님의 을 읽고 우간다와 케냐 학생들을 후원하는 데에 지원하기로 결정하였습니다.

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요즘 시세로는 500스팀이 그렇게 큰 돈은 아니지만, 그곳 학생들에게는 물가를 고려하면 도움이 될 만한 수준의 학비와 생활비가 되겠지요.

제 지원 전에도 이미 300스팀 넘게 모였다고 하는데, 역시 KR 커뮤니티는 따뜻한가 봅니다.


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[스몬] 패자조에서 정상으로

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연초라 업무도 바쁘고 개인적인 일들도 좀 있다 보니, 스몬을 그렇게 많이(???) 하는 것 같진 않은데도 여유시간의 대부분은 스몬 토너먼트에 참여하는 것 같습니다.

시급으로 따지면 최저임금에도 한참 못 미치지만… 소소하게 상금도 좀 벌고, 승부를 즐기는 의미에서 나름 괜찮은 “취미활동” 이니까요.

최근 참여했던 토너먼트 중, 가장 기억에 남는 것은 대문 사진으로 사용된 “The call of the night” 대회였습니다. 이 토너먼트는 더블 엘리미네이션 방식, 즉 2번 패하면 탈락하는 방식입니다 (우리가 일반적으로 보는 토너먼트들은 대부분 싱글 엘리미네이션, 즉 1번 패하면 탈락입니다.)

이렇게 패자부활전이 있어서 한번 져도 할만하겠구나.. 라고 생각하면 이것은 큰 착각입니다. 기회를 한번 더 주는 것은 맞지만, 두번째 기회는 훨씬 힘들거든요.

상금으로 스팀 (steem 말고, 게임 플랫폼 steam) 게임 키가 걸린 토너먼트였는데, 질 거라고 생각하지 않았던 유저에게 어이없게 1회전에서 패배합니다.

3위 안에 들어야 키를 받을 수 있는데, 딱 두 게임만 이기면 되었던 것이 이제는 네 게임을 추가로 이겨야 겨우 3위 안에 들게 되는 상황. 우울하죠.

우승을 목표로 한다면, 3번만 이기면 되었던 것이 이제는 연속으로 7게임을 이겨야 하는 상황. 암울하죠.

그러나 생각보다 근성과 함께 운도 따라줬고, 그래서 결국 우승. 이것이 게임을 향한 집념인가…

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시상은 1위부터 하나씩 게임을 고를 수 있는 방식이었는데, 10개 가량의 게임 리스트를 받았는데 아는 게 없었습니다.

혹시나 해서 KR 카톡방에도 올려보았으나 … 별로 알려진 게임은 아니었던듯.

그래서 평을 찾아보고 하나 골랐습니다. 가격은 만원 조금 넘는 것에 불과했지만 3만원 넘는 게임들보다 평도 좋고 스타일도 제게 맞아서요.

다만… 할 시간이 날지는 모르겠네요.



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[서평] 세스 스티븐스 다비도위츠: 모두 거짓말을 한다


이번주 일요일 저녁 프로미스팀 서평은 “모두 거짓말을 한다” 입니다. 한줄요약, 아니 한 단어요약입니다: “강추”

경제학자들이 쓴 책들 중 인기를 끌었던 것들은 넛지, 괴짜경제학 등이 있습니다. 아무래도 “노벨상 수상자” 이런 타이틀을 달고 판매가 잘 이루어지는 편이고, 책 내용도 전문적인 공식이나 이론보다는 비전공자들이 이해하기 쉽고 현실적인 사례들을 들은 책들이 더 인기가 있죠.

이 책의 저자는 박사를 마친 지 얼마 되지 않은 꽤 젊은 학자이지만, 그 외에는 잘 팔릴 만한 책의 특징을 다 갖추고 있습니다. 일반적으로 사람들이 관심있으며 (섹스라던가…)최근에 화제가 된 것들을 (트럼프라던가) 다루고 있고, 딱딱하지 않은 이해하기 쉬운 문체로 쓰여 있어요. 게다가 요즘 시대의 화두인 “빅데이터” 를 제대로 다룬 책이기도 합니다.

이 책만큼 “빅데이터” 가 실제로 어떻게 사용될 수 있고 (또는 사용될 수 없고) 그 영향이 어떤 수준인지를 잘 보여주는 경우는 흔치 않습니다. 그리고 괜히 뉴욕타임즈 기고가가 아닌듯… 글도 참 잘 씁니다. 번역도 잘 된 것으로 보이는데, 그것도 영향이 있겠죠.

책이 워낙 좋다보니, 오히려 서평을 쓸 게 별로 없습니다. 지금까지 프로미스팀 서평 20개쯤 써왔는데, 이번 책이 최고입니다. 강력 추천.


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[스몬] 밤새서 토너먼트들 참가: 사이클링 히트 그러나...

말 그대로 밤 샜습니다. 토요일 자정부터 지금까지 각종 토너먼트들 참가했네요.

졸려서 자세한 이야기는 나중에 쓰기로 하고… 간단히 결과만 요약해보면

  1. 메인 이벤트(골드레벨, 총상금 1000스달): 시작하자마자 @jarunik (준우승자) 에게 패배하고.. 패자조에서도 열심히 올라갔으나 @tradingideas 님에게 져서 상금권 진입 실패. 우승하신 @fenrir78님과 상금권(8위 안) 이신 kr 세 분(@bji1203, @tradingideas, @gfriend96) 축하드립니다.

  2. “Warm up”(골드카드, 실버레벨, 총상금 50스팀): 3위해서 10스팀.

  3. “A Hardy Competition”(골드레벨, 총상금 160스팀): 우승해서 75스팀. (아 같은 룰인데 메인 이벤트에서 8위 상금인 50스달보다도 적어서 안습…)

  4. “Diamonds are forever”(다이아 레벨, 총상금 200스팀): 4위해서 20스팀. 패자조에서 올라가서(가는 길에 저도 가뿐하게 이기심) 결국 설욕전에 성공하고 우승하신 @marabara님과 3위하신 @smongo님 축하드립니다.

  5. “It’s all odds”(브론즈 레벨, 총상금 35스달): 1위해서 11스달.

뭔가 엄청 열심히 했고 메인 이벤트 외에는 성적도 매우 좋았는데…정리하면서 보니 “사이클링 히트” (브론즈, 실버, 골드, 다이아 레벨에서 모두 상금권 입상) 기록. 그런데 문제는… 상금은 다 합해보니 105스팀 11스달로 약 4만원 정도겠군요.

역시 메인 이벤트에서 잘했어야 하나 봅니다. 메인 이벤트 8위 상금이 50스달인데 그것보다 적은듯.


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[스몬] 소소한 토너먼트 참가 용돈벌이

연말연초라 정신없는 와중에도, 스몬은 가끔 하고 있습니다. 래더는 일퀘 정도만 하지만, 토너먼트들은 시간대가 맞는 것을 골라 참여하면서 소소한 용돈벌이를 하고 있어요.

래더를 하다보면 만렙 기준으로만 게임을 하고 생각하게 되는데, 토너먼트를 하다 보면 각 리그 레벨별로 카드들이 다 다른 쓰임새가 있고 그에 따라서 전술이 다 다르다는 걸 느끼게 됩니다. 게임 참 잘 만들었어요.

골드 레벨 이상 리그들은 이제 좀 할만한데, 아직 실버나 브론즈는 감이 안잡히네요. 실제로 토너먼트 성적에서도 드러납니다.

골드는 최근 참가한 것 중 2개에서 우승: 둘다 상금은 부스터팩 3개였습니다.

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Monsters in the Night 3_gold_3 packs.jpg

다이아는 리그 자체가 거의 없는데.. 한번 참가한 것에서 KR 분들이 없는 틈을 타서 우승. 상금은 10 SBD + 15 ARK.

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오늘의 스몬생각:

  • 브론즈나 실버 리그도 연습을 좀 해서 참가해봐야겠어요.

  • 골드카드 전용 토너먼트를 기대하고 골카들을 좀 모았는데… 현재까지로는 깔끔하게 실패한 투자인듯 ㅠㅠ.


This page is synchronized from the post: ‘[스몬] 소소한 토너먼트 참가 용돈벌이’

Every Game Revealed - Winning the Bernie Sanders New Years Invitational


203 player signed up for the double elimination tournament, gold level/standard foil cards, best 2 out of 3. After the check-in, I was up against 116 competitors.

It lasted about 3.5 hours. It took 232 matches in total. But it was all worth it, as I won the tournament and welcomed the best New Years day ever.

  • For the full bracket and results, click here

This is a personal record of the Bernie Sanders New Years Invitational Steemmonsters tournament, the biggest one so far with 2500 steem prize. In this posting, I analyze the games I played and document my thoughts, ideas, and feelings during the tournament. I hope you will find it entertaining following my journey to the top.

Note: as the title suggests, this article is using the format of “Every Hand Revealed” by Gus Hansen. He wrote this book after winning the Aussie Millions Poker Tournament 2007, and this book is so far my favorite among poker books - I learned a lot from reading this book while enjoying the reading. In particular, it made me feeling that I am playing the tournament myself.

I always wanted to write something like that, but I didn’t have a chance to win a major tournament - until yesterday. While I won several smaller size tournaments last week, I waited for “major” one and the Bernie Sanders Invitational certainly qualifies.

That being said, let’s start the journey!


Before the Tournament

Conditions for the tournament were good for me.

  1. Time: it started at 2am, 2019/01/01 for KST(Korean time). Because of this, several players were not able to participate - in particular, @marabara and @fenrir78, who were the finalists of the Korean tournament held on 12/31 with the same setting (gold level limit). Also, I learned from the Discord channel conversation that @jrvacation, the winner of several tournaments last week, is not going to participate due to the time zone difference.

  2. Competition bracket: there are exceptional players who beat me in previous matches and I was not very confident playing against them. To name a few, @clayboyn, @ramires, @tradingideas, @toocurious, and @wombykus (alphabetical order). Thanks to the favorable bracket, I did not have to play against these player in the early stage of the tournament.

To prepare, I have participated in several tournaments to practice. I would like to thank @crystalhuman and @clayboyn for hosting/organizing most of them.

The only concern was whether I can stay/remain sober at 2am. I went to bed early and got up at 1:50 to check-in: ready to go!


Round 1 (vs @otage): “Back to Basics” rule saved me

Going into the first match is almost always nervous, and this was not an exception. Moreover, I haven’t played many games with him so I didn’t know his style.

Thus, I simply chose the “standard” team and didn’t try to make a new setup on the spot. It worked - I got crushed at the 2nd game (melee mayhem), but won the 1st and 3rd game (Back to Basics) to advance.


Round 2(vs @tashidelek): a nice walk in the park

It seemed that her cards were not leveled up enough to play in the gold level limit setting: common and rare cards were level 2-3.

After the first match, she marked me as a winner in the challonge site and went offline, instead of going for the 2nd game. I reported the situation to @aggroed and he asked me to advance. Almost free win!


Round 3(vs @chrisroberts): guessing worked well

I’ve met him in previous tournaments. Even though the games were under silver league (card level), I had some info on his playing style and it certainly helped.

I made a guess that he would use naga and medusa, and it worked perfectly in this series.


Round 4(vs @nicholaslive): “Back to Basics” saved me again!

I didn’t have info on my opponent, and it was critical. He surprised me by putting gold dragon in the first spot in 15 mana, super sneak rule and destroyed me. It was my first time in this tournament when I lost the 1st game.

I actually didn’t feel good about the situation - I don’t know my opponent, it seems that his playing style is pretty unique, and I have to win 2 games in a row.

When the 2nd game started, I liked it. “Back to Basics” rule usually worked well for me. When the teams were revealed, I thought that he lacked some key cards under this rule and my team certainly had advantage - and now it’s 1:1.

And the 3rd game was “Back to basics” again! I thanked my luck and quickly submitted my team.

Yet, steem blockchain did not like me at that moment:

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Rare error occured, and the system said I “fled”. Fortunately, I had a screenshot (above pic) captured with the time stamp (right bottom corner), and @aggroed accepted my request to rematch.

Funny thing is, 3rd game rematch was again “Back to basics”, which was a relief for me in this setup. Comeback complete.


Round 5(vs @tailcock): overcome previous defeats

I reached Round 5 which was quarterfinal for the winners bracket: good thing is that I am in top 15 and will get at least 100 Steem, and bad thing is that now I am going to face tough opponents for sure.

And my nightmare opponent showed up. @tailcock, who finished last season near top 10, crushed me in a recent Korean tournament and league games - I lost 5 games in a row once.

The 1st game rule was “target practice”. I knew that magic blast cards are very popular under this rule and I myself got countered by @clayboyn who utilized “Lord Arianthus”. I followed what @clayboyn did and it worked out well - yes!

Feeling much better, I decided to use “standard” teams for the rest of the match. I knew that @tailcock is a solid player who are not likely to try new stuff when he’s behind, and having 50-50 game is not bad given that I am ahead. As anticipated, we had similar teams but having selenia sky as a summoner brought me the 2nd win.


Semifinal(vs @vaansteam): going “standard” worked again

I am pretty sure who reads this article up till this part knows who @vaansteam is: the previous season top 3, the current season leader.

I didn’t really plan to do anything special. I thought it was 50-50 at best, and at this point I should aim to avoid mistakes, not to make up something fantastic on the spot.

My standard 2 snipe deck was chosen for the game 1, and these 2 snipes killed his crustacean king (“lobster”) instantly. With its death, its armor buff was gone immediately and that basically settled the game.

Game 2 was “Aim true”. As @jarvie did some statistical check on my previous season ladder games using peakmonsters’ battlechain feature, this rule is one of my favorites. I placed shin-lo at the end to take 2 attacks and protect my key cards for one more turn, and it worked.


Final(vs @bji1203): “Aim True” sealed the series again

I’ve played with @bji1203 several times at various settings, including Korean tournament games. My understanding was that he was good at reading what others would do and counter it. And the 1st game was another example of “reading the opponent” from him. He went 3 magics with water summoner, which was a nice counter to my “standard” 2 snipe team.

The game 2 was under “weak magic”. I expected him to use life splinter to get +1 armor and defender of truth to another +2 armor. This time my counter worked. It was a quite risky move, but given that I already reached the winners bracket final and secured at least 3rd place, I thought I could take a chance. And if I play against opponents at this level, I don’t want to take 50-50 chance games when I am behind.

And the game 3 was … “Aim true”. I recently won under this rule when I played against @vaansteam, so why would I change my team and try something different? I basically used the same team, and it worked again!


Grand Final(vs @bji1203): turn the tide with Kobold miner

I waited for a while waiting for the loser’s bracket to finish. I hoped to avoid @wombykus, @toocurious, @clayboyn, and @ramires - and turned out to be a rematch between @bji1203 and I when he did beat @wombykus 2-0 at the loser’s final.

For the game 1, “oops I did it again.” I used my standard deck without much thought and it was countered. Basically this is what happened to the game 1 of the winners final! I certainly didn’t take important lesson then.

Game 2 was super sneak with mana 17. Optimal choice was quite limited, and we ended up having the exactly same team. @aggroed advised us that it is draw and we should play game 2 again, as with the same team winner is simply decided by RNG luck.

Game 2 rematch was the critical point. When the game reached at this point(below screenshot), I thought I lost and skipped to results. Later I found that Kobold miner hit Haunted spirit at the end of round 3, and it did hit first (50-50 chance) at the round 4 to secure the win!


After that lucky win, I felt a lot more confident, feeling that the luck was on my side. In fact, I did ride the lucky wave - my Haunted spirit countered his water magic team in game 3.

And game 4 was “Back to Basics” - which delivered me 100% winning rate today and which is my opponent’s weak point also. My team held up and it was all over!

  • List of all games:

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First of all, I would like to thank the sponser(@berniesanders) and the organizer(@aggroed) for hosting this amazing tournament. Also, it was really fun playing with worthy opponents!

In retrospect, the crucial part was the round 4 where I played against @nicholaslive and had a technical issue. After the match, he told me (a joke) that “if you win first place, I deserve half :p”. Well, it actually turned out to be the case.

Since I plan to donate/sponser most of my winning (500 steem), I could not share him half of 500 - instead, I offered him 20 steem!

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Hope to see you again at the next tournament - may the odds be ever in your favor!


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