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"Eat today, Diet tomorrow"






“Eat today, Diet tomorrow”
미국남부 가정식음식점 SHYBANA의 카운터 앞에는 다음과 같은 명언이 있다.
다들 다이어트하라 난린데… 느끼하고 진한 치즈덩어리를 먹으면서도
몸걱정보단 흐뭇한 마음이 가득하다.
오늘까지만 원없이 먹자는 다짐과 함께.

난 오늘 이곳에서 일일 알바를 했다. 10시간을 서서
손님에게 인사하고
주문을 받고
메뉴질문에 쩔쩔매고
테이블을 셋팅하고 닦고
쪽방에서 늦점심을 먹고
먹은후에는 마감까지
바닥까지 계속 닦았다.ㅎㅎ
게다가 대학생이후 처음
전역이후 처음 대량의 짬처리도 했다.
그럼에도 같은 공간에서 수많은 사람들이 앉았다
일어섰다 하는
테이블의 주인공이 계속해서 바뀌는 장면을 보며
전혀 지루해하지 않는 자신을 발견하며
나는 역시 요식업에 잘 맞겠구나 생각했다.

사람은 어차피 자신이 경험한만큼만 보고, 느끼고, 산다하지 않았던가?
언젠가 요식업을 꼭 해보겠다
는 생각으로 하루를 마감한다.
새로운 도전
새로운 경험이
더 재밌는 삶이 될테니







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[라멘로드] 신촌 고라멘은 더이상 신촌에 없다

신촌 고라멘을 맛볼수 있는 유일한 곳.
이젠 대학로 가마마루이 3호점이다.

육수: 5/5 (냄새가 이상해도 꼭 맛봐야한다. 이런 맛을 내는 곳을 한국에서 아직 못 봤다.)

면: 4/5 (설명하기 어렵지만 쫄깃하면서도 특유의 향이 없어 좋다. 강남 유타로라멘의 면발에 꿀리지 않는다.)

계란: 4/5 (반숙이 적절하고 간장소스?가 덮여져있었다.)

차슈: 4/5 (얇은 챠슈가 씹기도 맛도 좋았다. 개취이지만 ㅎㅎ)

밑반찬: 4/5 (빨간단무지)


#가마마루이 3호점


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Three basic historical facts you need to know before travel to Korea

These are three basic historical facts which you should know before travel to Korea.

  1. Current capital of South Korea is ‘Seoul’ which was also a capital of ‘Joseon dynasty’.
  2. Joseon is the most recent kingdom ruling Korea peninsula for 500 years (1392~1897).
  3. Japanese invasion occured on 1592 and destroyed almost everything including the royal cultural heritages as well. It is also a point we split the Joseon history into two parts, the former and the latter Joseon.

I believe the more we understand Joseon society, the better we could understand current Korean society. (Remember Korea as a nation was not founded through resisitng Joseon dynasty unlike France in 1789.)

1royal shrine.PNG

2GyeongBokGeong Palace.PNG
2GyeongBokGeong Palace.PNG



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Why Corea before Korea?


Yun Duseo : Self-Portrait (1668-1715)

When you meet asian and ask where he or she is from what is the next thing to ask if you hear he is from Korea? The question would probably be completed when the direction is added, North or South.

Even though South Koreans are asked to express out his origin more specifically, they are not really accustomed to distinguishing it. For example, in their language they call themselves Korean rather than South Korean. (They call North Korean as North Korean though.)

You might think that’s because South Koreans are educated to call themselves so in order to securing legitimacy of the Joseon Dynasty who had ruled the land of the Korean Peninsula before current South Korea (=Republic of Korea) and North Korea (=Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) were founded. On some point I agree, but the reason why it is so easy and natural for South Koreans to call like that is people who have lived in the Korean Peninsula had been living together in a same country for more than 1500 years with the same language while the split-period is only for 70 years. And there are still a lot of South Koreans whose brothers and sisters are living in the North Korea.

The purpose of this blogging is to share the cultural and historical interest about Korea. I want to share something that is so special in Korea that it can rarely be found in any other places. Korea have no such places as Plitvice Lakes in Croatia and Grand Canyon in US where we can see the beauty of nature that steals our consciousness. But it may have unique things to share that have been formed more than a thousand year and historical events which caused a divided country. This is why I named my blog as ‘Corea Before Korea’. I want to share ‘Corean things’ over Korean things so that people could enjoy more on a different culture.

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