[삶steem] 가을비 내리는 서울의 매력

미세먼지와 정신없는 삶을 벗어나고자
어느순간부터 산과 바다가 있는 삶을 동경했습니다.
그렇지만 역시
오늘처럼 비가 내려
적당히 내려
도시의 공기가 차분히 가라앉을땐
서울 또한 제법 살만한 곳임을 느끼게 됩니다.
고양이도 좌우로 왔다갔다
사진을 찍으려하니
포즈를 잡더군요
제 말에 동의하나봅니다.

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[삶steem] 프로그램화된 경로사상

토요일 오후, 지하철 승강장을 지나 계단을 올라갔다.
그리고 앞서 올라가던 노신사의 발바닥이 내 무릎을 쳤을때 나도 모르게 고개를 숙이며 죄송하다 외쳤다.

0.7초의 정 적 후

문득 내가 저 노신사라면 좀 당황스러울수 있다 생각했다.

친거 난데 왜 죄송하다 하지..?

단짠쓴 인생을 모두 경험한 노인장의 연륜을 존경하고, 연로하신 신체를 배려하려는 사회적 가치를 존중하고, 인정하나 사리분별없이 튀어나오는 내 반사언어는 도무지 반갑지가 않다.

좋아하는걸 좋아한다
싫어하는걸 싫어한다
미안한걸 미안하다
실례인걸 실례한다

라는 내 마음을 정직하게
세련되게 표현하고 싶다.
경로사상을 존중하며
세련되게 표현하고 싶다.

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[SteemMonsters] Less than 12 hours

Just got steemmonsters.png

Just got ‘Diamond I’, and one more step to go for ‘Champion III’.
Do you think it can be made?
We will see in less than 12 hours!

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[Steem Monsters] Prince Rennyn was sold


Prince Rennyn card was sold.
Thanks for his ability! :)

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If You want to create a successful game in block chain, Listen up.


What kind of games have I played?

I like playing games a lot like sports, console&computer and even a board game sitting next to each other in offline. I would never forget a day I hit a home run in baseball, saw and couldn’t do anything else while Aerith was killed in FF7 and succeeded ‘Large Tichu’ with the partner who also made the second win. WOW!! Yes, we turned around and won the game after all by scoring one-two win in the last round.

Why do I remember all those things?

what makes a game so rememberable? what is a factor that attracts players and users so strong and hold them tight not releasing? I believe one of the most powerful factor is called as a drama which touches players’ emotion, influences on players’s relationship with his social members by providing a positive reputation which eventually lead him to enhances his social position. Now I want to talk about some other factors as well which functions as a different attraction to players or a contributor to create chained dramas.


What is the key to create, run and keep a great game?

A great game always have diverse factors which encourages users involvement or engagement in the game, and they are reinforced by rewards. Yes. this is the other name of the key factors all the game creator must spend most of his time to consider before developing, during developing or even after the developing.

Rewards? what is that?

Those are benefits and results a game user could get after spending his resources for the game. Every user has producible resources which generate from his existence which is time (almost automatically spendable), and actions (=physical efforts such as running with real legs, touching the screen, thinking, moving by using keyboard or mouse and etc.) A user also has the other resource which is money. So a game user will never hesitate to spend his resources as long as the reward in return is worth paying.


What kind of rewards a user is getting?

Rewards enhances a user paying his resources and his resources enhances the game to provide better rewards. By this mechanism and during the cycle, a user might get below rewards.

  • pleasure of deep thinking (thinking itself could be a good source of pleasure.)
  • pleasure of right decision (deriving from making the right choice which could be reinforced when recognized by others, maximizing when he is an important man to a user.)
  • pleasure of self-improvement (if a user finds his improvement on something meaningful)
  • pleasure from fulfilling curiosity or touching other emotions (I believe this is the greatness of a story)
  • pleasure from collecting (usually connected to boasting as it also enhances self-esteem)
  • pleasure from relationship (happening by the knowns)
  • pleasure from society (happening by unknowns)
  • pleasure from different appearance (having a cool skin make me look nicer, right?)
  • pleasure from the luck (getting something for free is always fun? especially when it was beyond the expectation)
  • pleasure from getting monetary benefits
  • What else?

(The word ‘pleasure’ used above is with the meaning close to happiness.)

So what?

A game designer should consider the mechanism of user’s resource and rewards in return when creating a game by questioning what kind of resources he expects a user to spend? Is it user’s time? actions or money? and what ‘s the priority? Should it be applied to all the users from different levels or it applies based on levels? after all, what an user would get in return? they could get it by paying with what resources? money will always talk or the very rare item could be gotten only with actions a user has paid so far?

What’s next?

I have started EOS Knights since this January and paid almost 2000 USD. What did I get in return? I got pleasure from the society (I mean EOS Knights society who I have never met and only know his 12 digits weird ID) by taking 20th world ranking and 5th in KR ranking. I also felt satisfied when I bought a cool skin of the characters. and was happy when I was lucky enough to have 6th grade weapon after 2~3 times failure with throwing away 20,000 Magic Water for each time (equivalent to 1.8 EOS). What else..?
Let me analyze it with above factors and share my opinion about EOS Knights’ game design with a couple of suggestions in the next posting.


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[삶steem] 양재천 7월 8일

캬 유럽이당~! ㅎㅎ



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